The General Directorate of Tourism as a beneficiary partner of the Life ZEPAURBAN project and as part of its actions for the creation of a tourism product, will be presenting in the forthcoming weeks to the different municipalities involved in the development of this, the work it is undertaking and the process for development and implementation.
The purpose of these information sessions will be to ensure awareness about the work being done with businesses that could form part of the product in each locality, so that afterwards they will be able to start the work of enrolling, participating in training workshops and the creation of tourism experiences which will be about the observation of lesser kestrels.
The initial presentation took place in Cáceres during the Bird Festival there, which is an example of a tourism event that brings together activities around both historic monuments and birds, specifically last Friday, 18th May at 18:00 in the audio-visual room in the Palace of the Golfines de Abajo, as part of the meeting entitled “Special Protection Areas for birds in urban areas. Conservation and tourism”.
Afterward, presentations will take place on 22nd May in the Las Claras Cultural Centre in Plasencia, on 23rd May in the Integrated Development Centre Zafra-Río Bodión de Zafra, on 28th May in the Youth Centre in Trujillo and on 29th May in the Museum Vasco Núñez de Balboa in Jerez de los Caballeros. All the presentations will be from 12:00 and will last an hour. Any professional, business or organisation interested to take part should confirm their participation via this email