
On 14th May 2018, the group of beneficiaries of the Life ZEPAURBAN project received a visit from Sara Mora of the external team NEEMO-IDOM of the European Commission in order to obtain a general view of that the state of the implementation of the project. A full workshop took place in the offices of the Directorate General of the Environment in Mérida where the technical and financial aspects of the project were reviewed, and the beneficiaries were able to show not just the progress but also the challenges in the project to date, examples of success and where there could be improvements. The Life ZEPAURBAN project after a year and a half was shown to be enjoying great health. 

The meeting was complemented on 15th May 2018 by a visit to different settings where the Life- ZEPAURBAN project is being carried out, starting in the morning with the viewpoint in the church of the Purification and the captive breeding centre of DEMA in Almendralejo, and in the afternoon visiting work completed on some of the buildings in the historic centre of Cáceres and ending in Trujillo seeing at first hand the tracking of lesser kestrels recently tagged with GPS transmitters.

The Life ZEPAURBAN project would like to thank Sara Mora for her availability, valuable comments and ideas that she shared with us, ensuring that our project will strengthen even further.