Technicians of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project are assessing the possible declaration of new Special Bird Protection Areas (Zonas de Especial Protección de Aves, ZEPAs) in built-up areas owing to the presence of colonies of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni).
During the month of April to coincide with the pre-laying stage and at a time when the pairs of the colonies are especially visible, technicians of the LIFE project are visiting various towns and villages in which important populations of the lesser kestrel are known to exist. The objective is to assess them for possible inclusion in the network of urban ZEPAs of Extremadura as is contemplated in Action A5 “Revision of the limits, declaration, and zoning of new ZEPAs”. Some of the towns visited are as follows: Escurial, Palomas, Medina de las Torres, Campo Lugar, Almendral, and Alcollarín. In the same way and with the initiative of the municipalities other localities such as Torre de Miguel Sesmero and Olivenza are being assessed.
Apart from the presence of an important colony of lesser kestrels, the criteria for the declaration of new ZEPAs also include the conditions that the colony is as localised as possible and that there is a social and municipal fabric which encourages the declaration of a ZEPA. According to the experience of the management of these spaces, municipal support and that of citizens and associations facilitates to a large extent the process of the inclusion of these sites in the Natura 2000 Network.
The information gathered up to now shows the potential of some of these towns and villages, in the forthcoming weeks the Sustainability Department may initiate the process of their declaration.

Censando Medina de las Torres

Macho en repisa (Torre de Miguel Sesmero)

Palacio Pizarro Carvajal (Alcollarín)

Pareja en iglesia parroquial (Almendral)

Censando en Palomas