On Friday 19th May the V Congress on “Special Bird Protection Areas in Built-up Areas of Extremadura - Conservation and Tourism” was held at the Extremadura Film Library of the city of Cáceres. As a part of the activities of the City of Cáceres Bird Festival, this now traditional congress analyses the situation of the urban Special Bird Protection Areas (ZEPAs) in Extremadura from the point of view of both their conservation and their tourism potential associated with species such as the lesser kestrel.
As is only to be expected, the team of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project will feature strongly at this congress as it is not for nothing that it is considered its source as our coordinators have been associated with it since its inception. The State Office for the Environment, the State Tourism Office, Terra Naturalis, INTROMAC, DEMA, and Prefabricados Extremadura 2002 are some of the partners of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project that will play an active role in this edition with talks on their experience in the project to date.
08.30 - 9.00h
Recepción de asistentes y entrega de documentación.
9.00 - 09.15h
Inauguración de las Jornadas
Excma. Sra. Doña Elena Nevado del Campo, Alcaldesa de Cáceres.
Excmo. Sr. Don Francisco Martín Simón, Director General de Turismo de la Junta de Extremadura.
Excmo. Sr. Don Pedro Muñoz Barco, Director General de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Extremadura.
09.15 - 10.15h
“Un falco per amico (LIFE11 NAT IT068) – Medidas de conservación y política para proteger al cernícalo primilla en la región de Apulia”
Mr Giuseppe Giglio. Municipio de Gravina in Puglia. Italia.
10.15 - 10.45h
Pausa- Café
10.45 - 11.15h
“Gestión de ZEPA urbanas en Extremadura” (LIFE15 NAT/ES/001016). LIFE ZEPAURBAN
Atanasio Fernández. Dirección General de Medio Ambiente
11.15 - 11.45h
Censo y caracterización del hábitat de alimentación del cernícalo primilla en las ZEPA urbanas de Extremadura
Alfredo Ortega. Terra Naturalis
11.45 - 12.15h
El primilla como recurso turístico
Regina Domínguez. Dirección General de Turismo
12.15 - 12.30h
Desarrollo de nuevos nidales en el marco del proyecto LIFE-ZEPAURBAN
Mª Concepción Pacheco (INTROMAC)
Pepe Antolín (DEMA)
Florentino Gil (Prefabricados Extremadura 2002)
12.00 - 13.00h
Proyecto de reintroducción de cernícalo primilla en la finca Dehesas de Casillas-Millaron, ZIR Sierra de San Pedro (Cáceres)
Olimpia Oriol Ibarra y Máximo Sánchez Cobo. Dehesas de Casillas-Millarón.
13.00 - 14.00h
Mesa redonda y conclusiones