
The overall objective of our project is the development of a management model for the urban SPAs which ensures the conservation of the lesser kestrel in the long-term and that can be applied to any urban area supporting colonies of this species.

Objective 1: Improve the conservation and management of breeding colonies of lesser kestrel in the urban SPAs, improving the quality of breeding sites. Avoid the destruction of or disturbance to the colonies caused by restoration work on the buildings which host them. Design and produce artificial nest boxes that are more secure, longer-lasting and more economical.

Objective 2: Safeguard the conservation of the feeding habitats on which the urban populations of lesser kestrels depend. Analyse the preferences of habitat use and prey species of the urban lesser kestrels in order to develop a pilot project based on agreements of collaboration, actively involving landowners.

Objective 3: Increase awareness in the local population of the conservation problems of the species and achieve their participation in solving them, especially focusing on the owners or managers of buildings, as well as associations of architects, builders etc.

Objective 4: Develop tourism experiences based around lesser kestrels, as a model of a local sustainable economic activity.

Objective 5: Develop a replication strategy to enable the results of the project to be disseminated beyond the immediate project itself.