The first lesser kestrel chicks of the 2021 season are already in the release unit located in the Church of San Vicente Mártir in the urban ZEPA of San Vicente de Alcántara. This is the main scenario for the actions of consolidating the lesser kestrel colonies of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project.
These individuals have been transferred in the last week of May and the first week of June; they are chicks of between 18 and 21 days old from centres of Extremadura: the Lesser Kestrel Breeding Centre of Almendralejo managed by DEMA and in charge of Action C3 of the project; and the “Los Hornos” Wildlife Recovery Centre accountable to the Regional Ministry for Ecological Transition and Sustainability of the Regional Government of Extremadura.
The collaboration between these entities has allowed the reinforcing of the work contained in this action so as to release a larger number of birds in the last two seasons. It should be stressed that this fourth year of releases was not anticipated as the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN ended in 2020, but the extension granted by the European Commission has allowed us a further year of releases.
Technicians from DEMA and the Sustainability Department travelled to the Church of San Vicente Mártir where they proceeded to place chicks in the release box. This box has been designed in accordance with the “colony environment” methodology, the protocol under which this enclave is being consolidated.