General Directorate of the Environment
The General Directorate of the Environment is part of the Council of the Environment, Rural, Agricultural Policies and Planning of the Government of Extremadura, and is the department responsible for the development of legislation and its implementation related to environmental protection, as established in Article 8.8 of the Organic Law 1/1983 of the Statute of Autonomy of Extremadura.

General Directorate of Libraries, Museums and Cultural Heritage
The General Directorate of Libraries, Museums and Cultural Heritage (DGPC) of the Government of Extremadura has as one of its fundamental missions the protection of the historic and cultural heritage of Extremadura. This includes the conservation, rehabilitation and maintenance of heritage sites, carrying out architectural interventions such as restoration or repairs of roofs and treatment of cavities in facades. This responsibility covers historic urban centres hosting many of the lesser kestrel colonies.

General Directorate of Tourism
The Council of the Economy and Infrastructure, as set out in the Decree of the President 19/2011 of 8th July, has legislative and executive competency in the promotion and planning of tourism in the region of Extremadura, with the General Directorate of Tourism the regional authority responsible for this. It is responsible for the strategies of promotion and commercialisation in key markets and sectors, in which is included birdwatching.

INTROMAC is an administrative consortium linked to the regional public sector, whose mission is to improve the competitiveness of businesses in the construction and ornamental rock sectors in Extremadura through technological support, research and development projects and sharing scientific and technical know-how.
INTROMAC’s technicians and teams will look at the materials used for lesser kestrel nest boxes, with the aim to make them lighter and more durable than those currently on the market.

Prefabricados Extremadura 2002
Extremadura 2002 is a business with more than ten years of experience dedicated to the manufacture and sale of products made from imitation wood cement and artificial stone used as structural and decorative components in house-building. Their experience in producing new materials is key in order to obtain the best nest boxes for lesser kestrel, therefore achieving a product which is adaptable to the needs of the species, long-lasting and at the lowest possible cost.

Laruinagrafica is a creative and polyhedral studio which has been working professionally since 2004, offering analysis, creation, communication, publication and dissemination of all types of theme, with a focus on tourism and environment.

Terra Naturalis
Laruinagrafica is a creative and polyhedral studio which has been working professionally since 2004, offering analysis, creation, communication, publication and dissemination of all types of theme, with a focus on tourism and environment.

DEMA is an NGO founded in 1990 with the objective to protect natural spaces and build public awareness towards the need to conserve them. It has specialised in the conservation of lesser kestrels, especially with captive-breeding, management of introduction and reintroduction programmes, conservation, studies on breeding habitats and development of environmental education programmes.