
This action has as its objective to place value and promote the lesser kestrel as a tourism resource in those urban centres declared as SPAs and which boast tourist attractions in the form of historic or heritage sites.

The uniqueness of the network of urban SPAs in Extremadura confers a great potential as a tourism resource, both in terms of generating new experiences as well as integration into existing tourist products. It aims to demonstrate that the socio-economic importance of the tourist sector can also be converted into a conservation tool for a threatened species like the lesser kestrel.

For this a tourist product that will be specific to five urban SPAs (Cáceres, Plasencia, Trujillo, Jerez de los Caballeros and Zafra) will be designed, created and implemented based on the observation and knowledge of the biology of lesser kestrel in sites of high heritage and cultural value, directed at both the general public as well as a more specialist one (birdwatchers).

These SPAs have been declared as Historic and Artistic Sites and have buildings listed for their Cultural Interest (BIC) where important colonies of lesser kestrel have been established. For the design and development of this action the results of the study on local perception of the lesser kestrel will be considered (action A8).

This action will be developed in the following phases:

1. Identification of agents that can form part of the tourist product in each urban SPA.

The businesses, administrations and other related entities that could be associated with the product will be identified, and the following work documents, based on the profile of these agents, prepared:

  • Manual of the Product with compiles the criteria that the businesses and entities need to meet.
  • Voluntary admission document for participation in the product.
  • Evaluation document for meeting the criteria.
  • Document for forming part of the product.
  • Methodology for networking between members.

2. Presentation of the project.

A data base will be prepared of the identified agents and a presentation will be organised in each municipality to introduce the project and obtain the largest number possible of admissions, followed by providing an admissions document for those interested in participating.

3. Workshops for businesses.

In each municipality group workshops will be organised for the agents joining the project, with the following themes:

  • Bird tourism and family tourism (behaviour of the tourist, markets and trends).
  • The lesser kestrel in your town (information to build awareness of the species amongst the tourist agents).
  • The urban SPAs and the Natura 2000 network as a tourist resource.
  • Creation of the product: how to create products and tourist experiences from your business.
  • Product Manual: criteria that the agents need to meet.
  • Promotion and commercialisation of tourist products in Natura 2000 network sites.

Objectives of the workshops:

  • Sensitisation of the local business and administrative sectors about the importance of bird tourism and the Natura 2000 network as an opportunity to develop sustainable tourism.
  • Train the agents about how to incorporate this resource in their tourist products, to create products and attractive, unique tourist experiences and contribute to sensitise both the local population as well as visitors about the challenges facing the lesser kestrel and its conservation.

Participates will receive training materials produced in action E5 (Promotional material of the project).

4. Individual follow-up of enrolled agents.

The training will continue and address any arising doubts, during a determined timeframe, during which the specialised product created by each of the agents will be evaluated.

5. Elaboration of a Catalogue of Tourist Experiences (produced in E5).

Once validated that the agents comply with the criteria established in the Product Manual and that the tourist experiences presented by each one are in agreement with these criteria, a Catalogue of Tourist Experiences in the urban SPAs in Extremadura (in Spanish and English) will be produced which brings these all together. It will be promoted both off-line and on-line through the Extremadura Nature Tourism Promotion Plan.

This material is a key piece for awareness-raising amongst both the local population and visitors about the importance of lesser kestrels and the conservation of the species.

It will be distributed in tourist offices in the places where the project is taking place, by participating agents and in fairs and events specialising in nature in which the General Directorate of Tourism participates.

6. Public presentation of the Catalogue of Tourist Experiences.

Presentations will be made to communication media in Extremadura and Madrid, as well as to other agents related to Tourism and Nature. Regional and state administrations related to tourism and the environment will be informed of the product, as well as specialised communication media, travel agents and tour operators to promote its dissemination in national and informational forums.

Local tourist agents will be involved in this action. There will be increased awareness of the lesser kestrel amongst the inhabitants of the municipalities and visitors alike through development of a innovative tourist product that will have positive socio-economic impact for the local population.

All the products and materials will carry the logos of LIFE, the Natura 2000 network and of the ZEPAURBAN project.

Responsible for implementation: General Directorate of the Environment and General Directorate of Tourism.