This action is directly related to the creation of a tourist product on lesser kestrel (action E9). It aims to develop an APP for mobile phones that will host all the content created for this tourist product, being the most efficient means for both the general and more specialised public to access this. The action is subdivided into the following processes:
1. Development of the APP program.
The initial process to provide the machinery necessary for the application to host the contents of the tourist product. The objective is to obtain a visual and intuitive tool that can be free for potential users to access the tourist product.
2. Adapting the contents.
Transformation of the contents created in the development of the tourist product on the lesser kestrel to a language appropriate for APPs: adaptation and geo-referencing the buildings hosting colonies and routes to use with API of Google, buildings with historic, cultural and heritage value, a guide to birds that can be seen in the urban SPA, observation points, guide to bird sounds, information on business and tourist resources, access to catalogue of partners etc.
3. Catalogue of partners.
Arising from the work developed in action E9 will be a, still to be determined, number of partners subscribed to the tourist product, that is businesses and entities that wish to participate actively in the tourist product by offering their services. This list of partners will take the form of a digital catalogue to include in the APP, where the geographic location of partner will be given, how to arrive, the services linked to the product that is being offered, a description and images of their installations, contact details etc.
The development of action E9 shapes the timing of this action, given that to complete this, it is necessary that part of the design, the creation of the product and its implementation is finalised fully between the third quarter of 2018 and the last quarter of 2019.
The technology of smart phones has become one of the tools used by most people in searching for tourist information, booking and contracting services and/or activities. The immediacy of the information transmission, free downloads and the familiarisation of users to these tools make it essential to use this as a means of reaching a greater and more heterogeneous public.
Considering that the completion of this project and this action lies five years ahead of its preparation, it is likely that the reality of this technology will have developed even further and become even more important in the technological society.
The objectives that we hope to achieve in this action will be:
- Provide the project with an agile and new tool to spread awareness about the lesser kestrel and the urban SPAs in Extremadura.
- Promote the tourist product created about the lesser kestrel with an efficient tool for transmitting its values.
- Construct a catalogue of partners, up-to-date and comprehensive with respect to the information held, with all the businesses and entities associated with the created tourist product, such that an efficient tool has been built which will continue to be useful for conservation and the knowledge about the species right through to the end of the project.
Responsible for implementation: General Directorate of the Environment, General Directorate of Tourism and laruinagrafica S.L.