Colonia de cernícalo primilla de Acedera
During the breeding season that has just finished, lesser kestrels that were carrying GPS transmitters have provided a large amount of data. Obtaining this information constitutes one of the fundamental objectives of action A2 of the LIFE ZEPAURBAN (Study and characterisation of feeding habitats in the urban SPAs and roosts in Extremadura).
Although these data still need more detailed analysis, one of the conclusions already arrived at is that the use of areas that are potentially suitable as a foraging area near the colonies, as well as the distances travelled to feeding areas vary substantially from one period to another, as well as between colonies. Of the three colonies studies (Acedera, Casa de La Enjarada and Trujillo), the lesser kestrels that travelled the furthest were those from Acedera, frequenting indeed areas in the district of la Serena, a 30 kilometres flight from the colony; the birds from Trujillo covered a smaller range, reaching distances of up to 15 km from the silos where their nests were, whilst the lesser kestrels from La Enjarada had the shortest ranges from the colony, given that apart from one exception, they covered an area from just a few hundred metres from the colony to between 5 – 6 kilometres.

Colonia de cernícalo primilla de Casa de la Enjarada

Colonia de cernícalo primilla de Trujillo