
Naturaleza del Sur is installing over 200 nestboxes in urban ZEPAs.

One of the objectives of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project is to improve the nesting conditions of the lesser kestrel in urban ZEPAs. Its 30 different actions therefore include Action A6 (“The Industrial manufacture of mortar-cork nestboxes for lesser kestrels") in which a new improved design has been developed for the species of which 1000 units have been made. These nestboxes have been installed as part of the conservation actions of the project (Actions C1 and C2) and are also being provided free of charge as part of the mandatory reports on the impact of the work on urban ZEPAs.

Their distribution among the interested parties (local administrations, NGOs, private individuals, etc.) for their installation on the Natura 2000 Network was expected. It has not however been possible to install the number of nestboxes anticipated as in most cases the use of support facilities and/or vertical work is necessary. As a result of all the foregoing, the Sustainability Department put forward the need for contracting a company specialising in this kind of work. Naturaleza del Sur was the company awarded the contract for installing at least 200 nestboxes on 19 buildings on the urban ZEPA network. Over 60 nestboxes have already been installed on the Church of Rosario (Zafra), the Church of Santa María (Guareña), the Church of San Juan Bautista (Saucedilla), the Church of San Miguel (Jaraíz de La Vera), and on the church and cultural centre of Brozas.

The remainder of the nestboxes will be installed by 15th February. If you know any lesser kestrel colonies where nestboxes can be installed, get in touch with us at the telephone numbers for the project:

924 930 097 / 924 930 059