On 22nd April Terra Naturalis, the partner in charge of the follow-up of the species as part of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project, proceeded to capture and fit seven individuals of the Acedera ZEPA with GPS datalogger transmitters. This action was carried out in the context of Action D1, although the transmitters were financed by the Sustainability Department at no charge to Life. These transmitters and those recently fitted at the Trujillo and Casa de la Enjarada ZEPAs will allow information to be obtained on the movements of kestrels of three important colonies with the aim of facilitating the management of the habitat preferred by the species.
During the work of fitting the transmitters, for which the local Town Council made available the premises of the state school Nuestra Señora de la Jara, the Life technicians took advantage of the fact that Earth Day was being celebrated to carry out an environmental education activity with the pupils, who were able to contemplate at close quarters several lesser kestrels and to take part in their release once they had been ringed and fitted with a transmitter.
The children were given information on the biology of the species and its situation, problems, and conservation needs, with particular emphasi on the importance of the preservation of the lesser kestrel colony in their locality, which is one of the most important in Extremadura.