Last 9th November in Palma del Río, Córdoba, the second technical meeting on the management of historic heritage and the conservation of lesser kestrel took place. The director of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project, Atanasio Fernández García, participated, giving a talk “LIFE-ZEPAURBAN: conservation activities in lesser kestrel colonies in Extremadura” focused on the work underway in the project on buildings of heritage value. The talk was well received because it showed the reality of how undertaking this type of restoration and maintenance work on heritage buildings is compatible with the conservation of the lesser kestrel colonies in the same buildings.
José Antolin representing DEMA (beneficiary partner of the project LIFE) also participated and gave a presentation on Houses of Special Protection for the Birds. As well as other nest boxes developed by DEMA, José Antolin spoke about the nest box developed as part of action A6 of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN, which indeed could be examined in detail by the participants since the Tourist Office of Palma del Río, which hosted the meeting, had a nest box on show there.
This meeting was an exceptional moment for the sharing of experiences on the different conservation projects that are taking place, especially in Andalusia, as well as getting to know the situation of the species in this region. As well as the presentations, there was the opportunity to see the project HORUS that is taking place at the Doñana Biological Station, which was presented by Dr. Javier Bustamante.