Technicians from the General Directorate of the Environment and the General Directorate of Libraries, Museums and Cultural Heritage have continued their visits to the buildings that will be part of the forthcoming programme in the action C1 Improving nest sites in buildings of heritage value in the urban SPAs of Extremadura. On this occasion they have visited the church of San Bartolomé in Jerez de los Caballeros, as well as the Parador of Zafra, both buildings for which there are plans for work in the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project. The visits were supported by the presence of those responsible for the maintenance pf the Parador and San Bartolomé church respectively, as well as the parish priests from San Bartolomé.
In the case of San Bartolomé, the improvements are focused on reducing nest site competition from pigeons and to increase the number of suitable nest sites for lesser kestrel. In this building pigeon have caused innumerable problems, such as dirt, noise disturbance, bad odours, as well as the displacement of lesser kestrel pairs which are using the same nesting holes. Therefore, the improvements in this building will be based around the installation of nest boxes that have been produced as part of action A6 “Industrial manufacture of mortar-cork nest boxes”, designed to prevent entry by pigeons.
In the urban SPA of Zafra, the Parador de Turismo was visited where an assessment was made of possible sites for nest boxes from the LIFE project and consideration was made of the possibility of working in other buildings lying within the urban SPA boundary.
The management of the LIFE-ZEPAURBAN project would like to recognise the help that the owners and managers of these buildings provided, showing their great willingness to collaborate with the LIFE project, through facilitating such visits as well as the implementation of future work.